Saturday, October 20, 2012

Field Trip to Kimberly Park

 Brittley had her first field trip of the year to Kimberly Park the first week of school. (September 7, 2012). It was a nature walk to collect nature things for a project they were working on at school. It was a short walk from the school and Tate, Augie, and I went with them. I could not believe she had a field trip so fast after school started, but the kids had a lot of fun! I am so glad that I can participate as a volunteer while I am attending school online!! Love being a stay-at-home mommy for the time being :)

 Brittley's Nature Bag full of grass, pinecones, twigs, leaves, etc. 

 These were taken at Grandma & Grandpa's after the first week of school!!

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